Google: Contact Us and About Us page is not important for a website?

Google: Contact Us and About Us page is not important?, Google contact us page update.


As per the source (John Mueller from Google), we are able to provide you a surprising answer to the question of whether Contact Us page or About Us page are important or not.


Example to understand

Let's understand this with a very useful example, without the About Us, Contact Us, privacy policy, and terms of conditions page, Google Adsense can't be verified, so we can be related to the organic ranking website factors. 

So after thinking too much and after doing research, I am at the point to say that if you have a website available with a Contact Us page, About Us page, etc, it gives you some points percentage on your ranking efforts on Google search engine result pages.


Few days before as per John Mueller from Google answered a very interesting question about whether it is tru that adding an About Us page or Contact Us page was a better idea as it is important to Google. Mueller said why the about us and contact us pages were useful.


Time to convince all enterprises to add Contact us and About use pages on their website or portal.

Someone recently tweeted a very important question to John Mueller, defining that they were trying to persuade the enterprises they worked for that addming about us and contact us pages and needed information or statement to show them why they should add all of those pages.


John Mueller asked if it was because they needed suggestions and feedback from the users that they check with their users.


The same person asking the question have responded that they needed to do so because they somewhere heard that it is important to Google that a company should have those pages.


We can explain this. Both the contact us page and about us page of your website tell your users that you are a reputed business with verifiable and trusted credentials. In my own opinion, i can say that both pages should be available as it indicates somewhere on Google to check accordingly. We can consider this as a very useful Google seo update as it always effect our search ranking and help us to keep maintain our existing top rankings.


Are Contact Us and about us pages are really important to Google?

This is a very reasonable question to ask if an about us or contact us page is vital for your website or not. Google's quality raters guidelines specifically indicates that it should be clear who is responsible for the web portal or a website.


Finding who is the main responsible person or the contactable person for a website is now easier if there is a contact us and about us page available.


All Google updates are always helpful and produced to make Search engine more user friendly and help to remove any unwanted links which are not able to helpful


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Hi, my name is Arvind. I have 5 years of experience in writing content for different types of websites. For more information, please follow me on Instagram.

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