Meet the Peregrine Falcon, Superfast Bird That Outpaces Bullet Trains


Meet the Peregrine Falcon, Superfast Bird That Outpaces Bullet Trains

Do you know there is an animal that is even faster in comparison to a cheetah? This bird is known as the Peregrine falcon. The bird peregrine falcon is the fastest bird on earth in the animal kingdom. The maximum speed of the Peregrine Falcon is about 300 km/h or 190mhp which is faster than most bullet trains worldwide.


As per the National Geographic tv program, peregrine falcon have achieved the highest measured speed till now which is 389 km/h. They achieve this speed during their hunting dive which is also known as STOOP.


Peregrine Falcon

The scientific name of the peregrine falcon is Falco Peregrinus. Historically, in North America, it was also known as a duck hawk. The peregrine falcon is a cosmopolitan bird of prey in the Falconidae family.


Do you know that Peregrine falcons are found on every continent except Antarctica because they have a very wide range and can travel long distances?


Do you also know that they have a very clear and sharp vision which makes them even more dangerous for their prey. They can spot their prey from over 3 kilometers away.


Peregrine Falcon

They hunt their prey like pigeons, ducks, sparrows etc by midair attack which looks really breathtaking. They know when and how to attack and sometimes their prey die before they know they were attacked.  

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