Top 10 Most Famous Tourist Attractions In The World


Top 10 Most Famous Tourist Attractions In The World

There are millions of places to visit across the globe, but only few places are in the world which come in the category of the top 10 most famous tourist attractions in the world. These places often include vibrant cities, natural wonders, and landmarks. The most visited places on the globe are below.


1. Eiffel Tower, Paris, France

It is the most visited place on earth in a few years. About 25000 people visit 7 million visitors visit the Eiffel Tower in France every year which is a very huge number. The reason of is the most visited place is because of it's massive size, beautiful architecture, and amazing height.

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2. Golden Temple, Amritsar, India

About 27 million people visit the Golden Temple every year. It is the biggest spiritual place in Sikhism, but anyone can come to visit. It became a center of the Singh Sabha movement during the period between 1883 to 1920s.


3. Taj Mahal, New Delhi, India

Near about 7-8 million people visit every year for being the witness one of the wonder among 7 wonders of the world. This is the most famous tourist attraction in the world and people are coming across the globe every year.


4. Great Wall Of China

The Great Wall of china is also the most famous and most visited place on earth. As per the report, more than 10 million people visit the great wall of China every year which is also a very huge number.


5. Colosseum, Rome, Italy

The Colosseum is another a very famous and most visited place located in Rome, Italy which was built on 72 AD. Near about more than 6 million people visit every year to see this massive and ancient sculpture.


6. Times Square, New York, USA

Times Square is located in New York which is the biggest city of the USA. A bustling commercial and entertainment hub which is famous for its bright theaters and lights. Near about 131 million people visit this place from across the globe which makes this place the most. This is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.


7. Santorini, Greece

A picturesque island in the Aegean sea is known for its beautiful and stunning sunsets and white-washed buildings which makes this place even more attractive. Near about 4 million people visit every year to this fabulous place every day.


8. Machu Picchu, Peru

This is another very famous place to visit, a renowned archaeological site and scenic destination, the old Incan city is perched atop the Andes Mountains. About 1.5 million people visit every year to explore this place.


9. Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Another well-known location with stunning architecture. a cultural center and architectural wonder recognized worldwide. About 11 million people visit this place every year.


10. Niagara Falls, USA and Canada Borders

Gorgeous waterfall that receives over 20 million people annually. a group of enormous waterfalls renowned for their breathtaking beauty and strength.


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