Delhi: Mercedes hits cyclist, cyclist dies


photo from forbes

A major road accident has occurred in Madanpur Khadar area of ​​South East Delhi. Here a car hit the man riding a bicycle forcefully, due to which he died. After hitting the bicycle, the car rider fled from there.


When the police reached the accused's house after identifying the vehicle number, the driver surrendered at the police station. It is being told that the driver was driving the car at the time of the accident.


The owner of the car told that the car was with the driver for the last one month. He wants to sell this car, so he had given it to the driver. Police said that this case of road accident happened on 17th August. After the accident, Rajendra Kehti, a resident of Madanpur Khadar, had called the police.

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Rajendra told the police that a man soaked in blood was lying on the road. When the police reached the spot, they found a dead body of a man on the roadside. At the same time, his bicycle was lying about 150 meters away from there.

Source : Internet

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